Hello Hurja peeps!
Due to COVID-19, Hurja Piruetti has some exceptions in place for basic art education. For the period of 16th March of 13th April, we are switching from classroom teaching to distance learning. Furthermore, the annual spring shows at Tryckeriteatern as well as participation to competitions have been cancelled. We are currently looking to organising the shows during next autumn (dates TBC).
We will provide information regarding resuming classes in April or as soon as possible. Progress in dance studies will not be impacted by the current situation, and students will continue their studies according to the curriculum utilising online platforms and self-studying. During week 12, teachers have been in touch with students providing instructions and material for distance learning. Should you or your child not have received communication from the teacher, please get in touch with the respective teacher or drop an email at
We are monitoring government, Raseborg city and health officials’ instructions, and informing students and parents accordingly of any changes and updates.
Remember to also keep an eye on our social media platforms! During March and April, we will be posting tips on keeping healthy and moving, as well as sharing some of the distance learning progress from our students. Stay tuned!
Keep healthy, keep moving, keep dancing!
Hurja Piruetti staff