Accessible hobby in art
Hurja Piruetti adopts the Accessible art hobby brand launched by the Children's Culture Centre. The introduction of the brand is a continuation of Hurja Piruetti's teacher training project "Students with special needs" carried out last year in cooperation with Musiikkiopisto Arkipelag and Opetushallitus. In training, teachers consider ways to help students who need special support in Basic education in the arts. In addition, Hurja Piruetti's Sustainable Basic Education in the Arts project, which ended with certification in the fall of 2022 (Okka Foundation), serves as groundwork.
The accessible art hobby attitude sign is a communication aid for art organizations and, above all, an attitude sign that tells us that we are willing to support children and young people in their art interests. For our part, we want to develop our operations and think about what kind of special support we can offer students.
With this Attitude Mark, we want to express to the guardians and families of children in need of support that art activities aim to take all kinds of children into account. At the same time, we are communicating that the family and guardians can safely tell the arts professionals about the child's need for support. Families often have difficulty finding hobbies that the family could safely take part in, at least to try out whether the hobby would be successful for their own child. This brand helps families find art hobbies for their children and brings new children into the activities for art actors.
We commit to the following these goals:
- We want children in need of support to participate in our activities, and inform about this openly and actively through this brand.
- We acquire knowledge about activities with children in need of special support and/or we are prepared to try inclusion.
- We do not imagine that we know everything, and therefore we need the cooperation of the children's guardians.
- You can openly and confidentially tell us about the child's need for support. Together with the child and the child's parents, we think about how we can best support the child's hobby in art.
- Our goal is for each child to experience that he or she has succeeded in our business.
- We have absolutely zero tolerance towards bullying and together with the children and the employees have drawn up instructions on working against bullying.
- We inform about the accessibility of our business in a clear way.
- Our goal is to operate in fully accessible premises.
- An assistant, a parent or a close adult can join and support the child in the hobby activity. The child's assistant always has free entry to the class.
- We offer the assistant art assistant training on video and thus support the assistant in his mission.
- The child can also participate in our activities without an entrance exam.
- We adapt the art education to the child's needs.